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Cloudia.PRO service model


Company aims to offer to our clients the most convenient way of using cloud services. Our highly proficient team provides reliable infrastructure where the customer can order and control functioning of any services from disk drivers to applications.

Management tools give an opportunity to extent or reduce volume of services immediately. Support team works 24x7.

Consulting team experts have wide experience in data integration and migration projects between on-premises and cloud solutions.

Management Service

Management Service provides a self-service portal to our business users where everyone can get or refuse from necessary cloud resources in a couple of clicks. On a technical layer resource management process is quite complicated and automatically differentiate user access and procure load balancing.


SaaS offers an opportunity to get an access to predefined application and start working as soon as

possible. Portfolio of available applications expands regularly.


PaaS offers an opportunity to automate development platforms and databases deployment. Our services are based on solutions of worldwide companies such as Oracle, Postgres, Tibero, etc.


IaaS offers an opportunity to order a virtual machine with flexible resource management. Virtualization is based on Oracle and Dockers technologies.

Integration and Access


Integration and Access Service offers additional types of services like Virtual Private Network,

public IP, access to fileserver, integration tools, backup/restore tools, etc.

Documents for downloading

Short Cloudia public cloud description

Cloudia services reliability and security

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