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Real IT world problems solving with Cloudia services

Web applications development in the cloud


Development of web portals, services and end-user applications requires a rapid access to multi-format development and test environments. Tasks always have time limits and access to resources must be flexible - if necessary, to make re-ordering, otherwise free the extra resources. Quick access to pre-built infrastructure allows you to concentrate on the project, minimizing the time spent on the maintenance of the site for testing and development.

speed up development


reduce startup price

Cloud usage for DevOps process support


New functionality for the intermal system development and testing process often requires a huge number of clones. Thus the new environments provisioning frequency is constantly changing, and new hardware purchasing with a large margin is quite expensive , then cloud solution helps to provision faster and save the money as they use pay-as-you-go model.

Clones for development and testing can be created from backups, exported data, standby solutions or other sources.

quick cloning

flexible payment

lower TCO

Migration to new systems projects


Having taken the decision to migrate to a new database, application server, or the latest version of a business system, a company is faced with the need to perform an installation, and a huge number of tests and debugs before they will be ready to switch to a new solution.

Cloudia is able to deliver ready-made system in minutes and provice a flexible cloud resources for the execution of the project. No more waiting for the purchase and installation of equipment, as well as perform the installation with the patching for  months - the project can begin today.

quick start for migration

scalability by project needs

no need for transient hardware

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